Joyful Creating
Kate Tremills
Author & Speaker
You are the powerful creator of your life.
The world needs powerful women speaking and sharing what lights up their hearts. You are designed as a joyful and abundant creator. With a passion for what you came to be, do, and make.
And -- you were probably taught all kinds of myths and misleading ideas. That you have to struggle to create.
That it's a burden. That you need to choose between your powerful creations and having a rich, beautiful, love-filled life. That you must give yourself up to burn-out culture to reach your dreams.
NONE of this is true.
And I'm here to share how you can create powerfully, share your message, and live a joyful life.

Grow Your Dreams with the Moon
Get your free guided moon journal - and grow your goals and dreams in sync with the power of the moon and her cycles.
What dream is whispering to you?
That desire in your heart? To write, speak, create a company?
That is your divine creative desire. Wanting to flow into the world. Where it lights YOU up and illuminates the path for other women.
Grab that flame and capture it like the comet it is! AND take care of your sweet life and body.
That's the essence of Joyful Creating.
I support you with guided meditations for inspiration, journal prompts for creative expression, inspiring stickers, and more!
Spark your Fire

A creative life is an amplified life. It’s a bigger life, a happier life, an expanded life.
Elizabeth Gilbert

About Kate
Kate is an author, speaker, and creativity expert. She is the bestselling creator of four fantasy novels and a contributor to Elle Canada magazine. After years in the film biz, Kate was exhausted from burnout culture.
She took a break and found she had ignored her intuition for years. So she started playing with uniting her mystical practices and her creative process. Joyful Creating was born from her desire to share how nurturing intuition and fuelling your inspiration turns you into a powerful creator.